The Middle East is one of the most linguistically diverse regions with more than 60 spoken languages. In addition to the local languages, people speak English as a business language, thanks to its status as the global business centre. Here’s how companies can get closer to their customers by speaking their language.

There is a gap in multi-language customer support

Only 19% of customer support centers offer support in multiple languages

  • It helps a company to increase sales
  • Access wider market
  • Create loyalty and trust
  • Smoothen communication
  • Increase retention rates and Long-term value

Multilingual support: A friend to businesses and customers

With the global market becoming diverse, making the customer experience effortless is more important.

  • A great symbol to show that the brand is committed to customers’ individuality, multilingual live chat can classify the brand as a trusted one that cares about its customers.

How do you adopt multilingual support?

The easiest and most common way is to incorporate a multilingual chatbot in your support operations.

Benefits of multilingual chatbots

Using multilingual conversational AI allows customers to select their choice of language and communicate with the brand

  • Offering information in the customer’s preferred language personalizes their conversations and leads to higher conversion rates
  • Integrating self-support with a multilingual knowledge base increases CSAT and creates better leads in the funnel
  • Routing the chat to an agent proficient in the language ensures continuity of a great customer experience
