Oct 2021
Procrastination or intentional delay?
Often people confuse procrastination and intentional delay
- Intentional delay: intentionally delaying a task to either increase the pressure on self to perform better or to shift the focus to let the steam off
- More spontaneous: one boards the thought train and is unable to pull the emergency brakes
Piece of mind or Peace of mind?
While many may confuse procrastination to be transient and therapeutic, it most certainly is not.
How to break the cycle
Keep your tasks bite-sized
- The smaller the task, the faster the output
- Be the one to form SMART goals
- Never let the ‘what if’ get in the way of doing what you need to do
Creativity and procrastination go hand in hand
All creative ideas need time to trickle and filter into a working model
Procrastination due to Prioritization
It is an opposing force and acts as a couplet to neutralize the effects of prioritization.
- Procrastinating takes the steam off the workload pressure exerted by Prioritizization and allows for other tasks to be completed.