Only The Novice Competes

Only The Novice Competes
Only The Novice Competes

Competition is often seen as the domain of the inexperienced, the novice. Yet, there's a profound wisdom in this seemingly naive approach. Let's delve into the intriguing world of beginners, their competitive spirit, and the unexpected lessons they offer.

There is no nobility in failure

Everything has a Truth

  • There is a way to Master even the most mysterious of things
  • But it requires a Seriousness that is uncommon in the world of men
  • A purity that is considered necessary rather than noble
  • Common people do not in a single lifetime become Uncommon, and if they do, it is because they were Uncommon all along
  • Truth is not for the meek
  • It is neither kind nor benevolent
  • For the Master, the win that comes through effort and struggle is a lie. For the novice, winning through effort & struggle is the only way there is

Direct Truth: Uncompromising, non-prescriptive truths to the enduring questions of life

Kapil Gupta is a personal advisor to Kings, Queens, CEO’s, Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and Performing Artists around the world

  • He understands the human condition and speaks truth with intrinsic authority
  • His ability is to look not only at the professional athlete’s individual sport but to look at his or her whole outlook on life and how we lead it
  • This will bring the Transformation needed to perform at the highest level
  • What is The Truth?
  • The rich man who buys a Bugatti and drives it around town for no other reason than to demonstrate his wealth and pride is not wrong.
  • That which arises naturally within a man, is True.. That which he feels a compulsion and a pressure to do, is False.

There is nothing to look forward to in this life

Every dangling carrot is a trap. The one who does not fall for such traps, lives equanimously.

  • The greatest wisdom lies in destroying all constructs of good, bad, spiritual, unspiritual, right, wrong, holy, and unholy
  • Misfortune is misfortune. Fortune must be seen as fortune

During the rescue, he drowned in the cave flooding

What would the optimist say to this?.

  • Would he light a candle, chant a prayer and say, “Peace be with you?”.
  • Spiritualists hide behind the empty concepts of spirituality
  • One is all, and all is one
  • Such things have no basis in Truth
  • They are all ways of coping with the turmoils of life
  • Who can blame a man for attempting to find respite from life’s incessant difficulties

Is there a Truth to it all?

Kapil Gupta is a personal advisor to Kings, Queens, CEOs, Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and Performing Artists around the world

  • His books include Atmamun: The Path To Achieving The Bliss Of The Himalayan Swamis
  • A Master’s Secret Whispers: For those who abhor the noise and seek The Truth about life and living
  • Direct Truth: Uncompromising, non-prescriptive truths to the enduring questions of life

The child who shows scorn and disrespect to a mother who bore him and raised him to her best ability

The rescue worker who loses his life in an attempt to save another

  • A man who is cheated by the very man whom he trusted and treated as a family member
  • An innocent man sentenced to prison for a crime he did not commit, and a woman who is the collateral damage of a shooting

All -isms are Lies

Optimism and spirituality are but another cog in the wheel of a plastic and disingenuous world

  • No human needs your fluffy optimism
  • The dead do not need your postmortem chanting
  • Is this to imply that pessimism is superior to optimism?
  • When it rains, it pours, and the overwhelmingly majority of a man’s life is soaked in rain, rather than sunshine
