Discover the power of a well-optimized online presence in capturing media attention. Learn how to strategically position your brand in the digital landscape, leveraging key tactics to make your brand more visible and attractive to media outlets.

In 2009, Nong Poonsukwattana was struggling to make ends meet with her Thai chicken and rice food cart in Portland, Oregon.

Several months into running Nong’s Khao Man *** she got a phone call that would change her life

  • A reporter from The Oregonian wanted to interview her
  • The day after the story about her food came out, she had throngs of people willing to wait two hours to taste her food

Optimize your online presence to attract media

Have a website with pertinent contact information

  • Include a contact email; not just a contact form
  • Make your location address prominent
  • List the city where you are based and your business phone on your website where they’re easy to find

Get headshots

Invest in professional, well-lit, high-resolution headshots that show you in your element and represent your brand.

  • Posed headshot
  • Action shots
  • Shots with you and your product
  • Shoots with co-founders if applicable

Be active on social media

Reporters, producers, and casting agents are all scouring social channels to find their next story or star

  • You don’t have to be on every single social media channel, pick one or two that you can consistently keep up with.

Have good product shots

This can get you higher billing in an article

  • Consider having video on your website
  • You’ll be able to show off your personality and catch the attention of people scouting for TV shows and newspapers
  • A great video can be shot and edited on your phone

Optimize for local SEO

In addition to having your business name, address, and phone number on your site, confirm your business is listed in Google My Business, Yelp, and even the local Yellow Pages

  • Learn more tips below on how to level up your SEO game

Have a thoughtful About Us section on your business website

This is the place to tell your story – a story that a reporter or producer can turn around and pitch to their leadership as a reason why YOU will be interesting to their audience

  • Are you at the cutting edge of your industry?
  • Have a particularly unique or interesting expertise? Do you give back to the community?
