Workshops are great for brainstorming, interactive learning, building relationships, and problem-solving. Done wrong, they can be a huge waste of time and money. However, if they’re planned well, they are incredibly valuable for everyone involved. This is why advance planning is critical.

Define the Goals

Many workshops are a waste of time because there’s no clear goal kept at the center of the discussion.

Key Points

If you spend time thinking through the details, everyone will get full value from the event

  • The workshop’s goal should be at the center of all your planning
  • Creative exercises will get everyone relaxed and involved
  • Follow up afterward to ensure everyone is happy and satisfied

Decide Who Will Attend

Make a list of who needs to be there. Be as specific as possible, but leave a few openings for last-minute additions.

During the Workshop

Getting People Involved

  • Get everyone involved
  • Everyone needs to participate
  • Create group exercises
  • Keep the size of each group small
  • Mix up different types of people in each group
  • Determine how you’ll record the ideas from each group

Choose the Right Location

Think about the logistics and practical details of your workshop when you choose the location.

  • Will everyone be able to see your visual aids?
  • If you need a certain technology, like teleconferencing, will the location support it?
  • Are there appropriate facilities for breakout sessions?

Overall Workshop Tips

Establish the objective of your meeting or session

  • Start with a few icebreakers to get everyone comfortable
  • Avoid holding your workshop after lunch, between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon
  • The more people who attend, the less likely it is that you’ll reach a decision
  • Try to keep the number of people attending to a minimum

Create an Agenda

Main points

  • Visual aids
  • Discussions and activities
  • How much time will you allow for each exercise?
  • Make sure your activities are appropriate for the size of the group, and ensure that your venue has the resources (for example, seminar rooms) needed to run sessions

Develop a Follow-up Plan

The only way to find out if your workshop was a success is to have an effective follow-up plan

  • Create a questionnaire to give to all participants at the end of the event, and give them plenty of opportunities to share their opinions on how well it went
  • Communicate the decisions that were reached during the workshop through a mass email and/or post on social media
