Out of the shadows: Sustainably improving workplace mental health

Out of the shadows: Sustainably improving workplace mental health

Unveiling the often overlooked aspect of workplace wellness, we delve into the realm of mental health. We explore sustainable strategies for improvement, shedding light on the importance of mental well-being in fostering a productive and harmonious work environment.

Building organisational resilience

Programmes focused on psychological safety and broad-based mental health awareness have proved to be effective, especially when paired with leader training

About the Author(s)

Alistair Carmichael is an associate partner in McKinsey’s Sydney office, Fiona Lander is a consultant in the Perth office, and Richard Steele is a partner in the New York office.

Solve with your community

As a leader, you must maximize the engagement and performance of your employees, and that means seeing the whole person

Building individual resilience

Employers provide a range of interventions, including stress-management programs built around cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Supporting recovery and return to work

During the pandemic, leading organizations have developed additional tools and services to assist their people

Workplace Mental Health Best Practices

Many companies think that taking action on workplace mental health means setting up a collection of programs owned by HR.

Mental health conditions profoundly affect individuals, employers, and society

Common mental health conditions can have a major impact on work performance and career trajectories.

Designing workplaces to minimize harm

This domain involves addressing core risk factors

Understand how core risks play out in your workplace

To take effective action to sustainably improve workplace mental health, an organization can start by understanding the factors that have been shown to contribute to the risk of diagnosable mental health conditions.

Be integrated and holistic in your actions

Consider the entire operating model and cultural system: people, process, structure, culture, and leadership

Five Principles to Sustainably Improve Workplace Mental Health

The development of a comprehensive programme of mental health interventions across an organization’s entire operating model and cultural system can sustainably address the issues across these domains

Facilitating early help-seeking

During the pandemic, some organizations provided the following: Tailored mental health awareness, mental health-focused events, expanded employee assistance programs (EAPs), and expanded access to include the family members of employees or small-business suppliers or customers

Use data to personalize interventions

One size does not fit all when it comes to improving workplace mental health. Individuals experience each workplace differently and bring different elements of themselves and their personal life into the mix.

Co-design solutions with your people

Involve a broad array of your people in understanding the root cause of your current challenges and in co-designing solutions

The domains that matter for workplace mental health

Design workplaces to minimize harm


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