Overengineering can kill your product

Overengineering can kill your product

Over overengineering has killed more products than the absence of good development practices. Because of that, it is crucial to learn what it is, its costs, and how we can prevent it. Today’s post will talk about one of the most prevalent issues when creating products: over-engineering them.

What is overengineering?

Over-engineering refers to the fact of designing a product in a more complex way than necessary


Overworking can destroy your startup

Overengineering causes

We try to anticipate the future and be ready for the unknown.


An acronym for “You are not going to need it”

Overengineering Consequences

If engineers do not choose the simplest solution to address a problem, our costs in time and money increase, preventing us from iterating faster.


“Keep it simple stupid” refers to the fact that simple systems are easier to repair, evolve, and maintain

Overengineering examples

Microservices-based architectures

How to prevent over-engineering?

Turn your engineers into true product engineers by involving them in the day-to-day business, explaining the why after each initiative, and linking it with the metrics that matter for the organization and its vision.


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