Own Your Career Own Your Life Stop Drifting and Take Control of Your Future – Andy Storch

Own Your Career Own Your Life Stop Drifting and Take Control of Your Future – Andy Storch
Own Your Career Own Your Life Stop Drifting and Take Control of Your Future – Andy Storch

Talent development expert Andy Storch has a clear message: Stop drifting through your working years and start proactively crafting the career and life of your dreams. Drawing on personal experience and a wealth of knowledge gleaned from respected career development gurus, Storch offers a clear, step-by-step guide to setting a vision for and taking ownership of your career and life. You will learn effective strategies for time management, networking, and nurturing the right mindset to help you accomplish your goals and find fulfillment.

The Premise

One of the main messages of this book is to stop drifting through your working years and start proactively crafting the career and life of your dreams. People who drift tend to be reactive rather than proactive, and they conform to others’ expectations rather than taking control of their own lives. To stop drifting, you should create a vision of the life you desire and use that vision to guide your choices.

Get Set Go!

  • To avoid drifting, it’s important to set goals and identify your core values. This will help you create a clear direction for your career and make more intentional choices. When determining your vision, consider what in your job or career gives you energy and what drains you, as well as your values and strengths.
  • When setting a goal, it’s important to determine the purpose underlying it. This will help you sustain your motivation and stay committed to achieving your goal. For example, if you want to go to the gym, having a clear reason for doing so, such as wanting to have the energy to play with your children, will help you stay motivated.

Some Tips

  • One key to achieving your goals is being aware of and re-prioritizing how you spend your time. Make sure to prioritize activities that align with your goals and eliminate distractions and time-wasting activities.
  • There are a number of strategies you can use to help you achieve your goals, including affirmations, accountability, and coaching. These strategies can help you stay focused and motivated, and can also provide the support and guidance you need to overcome challenges.

The Plan

  • Once you have a goal in mind, it’s important to create a practical plan for achieving it. This might include networking, taking courses or reading books to learn about a new field, or speaking with your manager about your desired career change. Make sure to break your goal down into smaller, achievable tasks and stay accountable to your plan.
  • It’s never a bad idea to ask for or receive help when working towards a goal. This might include seeking guidance from mentors, coaches, or friends, or simply asking for help when you need it. Don’t be afraid to seek support when you need it.

The list of things that can happen to us in life goes on and on. All of these are opportunities to either be a victim and blame others (or the Universe) or to take responsibility and leverage the very powerful belief that everything happens for us, not to us.”

Expect The Unexpected

  • Even when circumstances seem out of your control, it’s important to find ways to take positive action towards your goals. This might involve adapting to new situations, learning new skills, or simply staying focused and committed to your vision.
  • To prepare for the unexpected, it’s important to engage in continuous learning and network-building. This will help you stay up-to-date on new developments in your field and give you a network of contacts to turn to for support and guidance.

Your Brand

Developing a professional brand can help you stand out in your career and build credibility. This might involve creating a personal website, building a presence on social media, or simply being consistent in how you present yourself in your career.
