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Since the very beginning, NextBigWhat has been focused on creating a better ecosystem, creating a better learning experience for our audience - be it via the web, conferences or our deeper product management and growth courses.

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Subscribe to BIG IDEAS

Being the OG of the Indian startup and tech space, we have now stopped covering news. We leave that to others. That was our Phase 1.

What we are up to? We bring you big ideas from the world around us.
Here is the thing: The world of content is growing exponentially every day (podcasts, videos, books, long-forms et al), but our brain has limited capacity.

We need an AI assistant curiosity copilot to handle this overload and yet keep learning. This is what NextBigWhat aims to do.

Across a range of topics (right from AI to mental health to economy to even politics), we bring you big ideas hidden in books, videos, podcasts - in bite-sized format ensuring you continue to learn. this an app?

Well, we are in the app that you use everyday and the one you can't live without - i.e. email !

Expect 1 big idea delivered to you everyday. In your inbox.

Not at all personalized - given our range of curation, you will love some serendipity and a daily learning experience.


If you are in India, start your subscription using the button below (you can use UPI/credit cards etc to finish the payment).

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