In this enriching episode, artist and photographer Doris Mitsch uses her astounding photographs to guide us into the hidden wonders and intricate patterns of the natural world.

Showcasing her unique skill in capturing the unseen rhythm of nature and its inhabitants, she invites us to appreciate the enchanting depth and intelligence that lie beyond human perception.

Power of Photography

Multiple images shot from a fixed viewpoint over a period layered together create a technique called photo stacking.

This technique helps reveal the trails of moving creatures in nature, providing a beautiful visual depiction of motion that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye.

Patterns in Nature

Mitsch’s technique reveals repeating flight patterns of birds, suggesting an underlying intelligence in nature’s rhythm.

The patterns include wave-like lines, spirals similar to galaxies, and whirlpool-shaped trails, giving an intriguing glimpse into the hidden world of avian flight dynamics.

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Skills of Creatures

Creatures in nature make the most of their surroundings.

Notably, vultures and hawks have mastered the use of thermal updrafts for soaring, often without the need for flapping their wings.

This expertise depicts how intimately creatures have evolved to exploit their environment.

What we call silence is just the limit of our hearing. I love to think about that, and about how most other creatures, from European moles to rainbow trout, find their way by wavelengths of light or sound or fields of electricity or magnetism that our senses just aren’t set up for. – Doris Mitsch