Chess master and investing expert Adam Robinson shares his wisdom on positioning for success, decision-making, learning, and trusting instincts in this episode of The Knowledge Project Podcast.

He explores the importance of processing information through the body, the concept of consciousness, the significance of practical information, and the role of positioning in decision-making.

He also delves into the potential uses of ChatGPT and investment strategies.

We’ve lost the ability to process information in our body… when I encounter a new idea, I’ll say, ‘Oh, this feels like another thought that’s related to it.’ So, I navigate the world, even of ideas, through my felt sense in my body. – Adam Robinson

The Evolution of Consciousness

Consciousness, as we understand it today, is a relatively recent development in human history.

Despite this, humans were able to function and achieve great feats, like building the pyramids, without the type of consciousness we have today.

Accelerating Learning Cycles

The key to learning is accelerating the number of learning cycles, getting feedback, and reflecting on that feedback.

Technology, like the internet and software for testing ideas about financial markets, can significantly accelerate these learning cycles.

Avoiding Decisions in Negative States

Making decisions when confused, tired, or stressed can lead to poor outcomes.

It’s important to be aware of one’s emotional state when making decisions and to remove oneself from situations that feel off or strange, as this can be a sign of potential danger or risk.

A Personal Experience with Intuition

A personal experience of narrowly avoiding a dangerous situation while jogging in Central Park reinforced the importance of listening to one’s body and intuition.

The Power of Bodily Information Processing

The ability to process information through the body, a skill our ancestors relied on, has been largely lost in modern times.

When encountering a new idea, it’s beneficial to pause and see how it feels in the body, as this can provide valuable insights.

The best decision-makers operate from a position of strength… when you operate from a solid position or foundation, nearly every move you make is good. It’s all accumulative. Whereas when you operate from a poor position, things almost always go from bad to worse. – Adam Robinson

The Role of Positioning in Decision-Making

Operating from a position of strength allows decision-makers to make good decisions that build on each other.

Conversely, when one operates from a poor position, things tend to go from bad to worse.

The Distinction Between Chess and Investing

In chess, losing a game doesn’t affect your ability to play the next game, but in investing, losing money today means you have less money to invest tomorrow.

This is a crucial distinction that many people fail to understand, leading to costly mistakes early in their investing journey.

Exploring the Potential Uses of ChatGPT

ChatGPT, an AI developed by OpenAI, can be used not just for answering questions, but as a thought partner.

It can help in asking better questions, which is the key to getting the most out of AI.

The Importance of Trusting Intuition

Our bodies often give us valuable information that we tend to ignore or dismiss.

Learning to listen to and trust our intuition can lead to better decision-making.

The Art of Asking Better Questions

A good question is one that prompts other questions or increases the choices that a decision-maker has.

Instead of asking ‘how do I do X?’, we should ask ‘who knows how to do X?’.

This shifts the focus from trying to figure out how to do something to finding someone who already knows how to do it, thereby increasing our choices.

Understanding the Question Behind the Question

Understanding the context or the real reason why someone is asking a question can provide a more helpful response.

By understanding the context, we can provide a more helpful response.

Practical Information: A Key to Success

The goal of any conversation or learning experience should be to provide practical, useful information that can be applied in real life.

This approach is particularly important when it comes to decision-making and problem-solving.
