Quantum Eyes

Quantum Eyes

The ability for an organ to take photons from the outsight world, focus them, and convert them into electrical signals is pure awesomeness! But what’s even more awesome is the organ behind your eyeballs – the brain! The brain is able to take those electrical signals, convert them to images, and then figure out things like, who that person is across the street or what those funny symbols mean

A Machine That Sees

Let’s take the MNIST Dataset, a dataset of digits from 0 to 9: Each digit is a 28 x 28 image, meaning there’s a total of 784 pixels in the whole image.


The 3 main parts of a CNN are: Convolutional Layers, Max Pooling Layers and Fully Connected Layers


Many Executions Needed

Quantum Convoluional Neural Networks

This is a neural network that literally replicates the whole CNN architecture

CNN’s have 3 main features:

Convolutional layers

Quanvolutional Neural Networks

A QNN is basically a CNN but with quanvolutionally layers


Noise Resistant: With Quantum Error Correction, along with it’s quantum nature, QNNs are resistant to constant noise.


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