I believe reading more books will not make you successful. Today I want to explain why. I’ve been seeing a particular trend on YouTube, Reddit and other platforms: “How to read 50 books a year.” “How I read 100 books last year. How to read one book a week.”
There is No Magic Secret
Your life will not change unless you actually go and do something. Unless you try something and fail, get up and fail again.
- You can’t be taking action while you are reading a book. You can only do these things if you are busy reading them.
Active vs. Passive Actions
Active action is when we actually do something.
- When we do research, read, watch videos, do online courses, etc.
- There is no risk of failure when we are doing passive actions. When we are actively doing something there is a possibility for failure.
Why I Read 50+ Books a Year
For me reading a book is a pleasurable experience
- They inspire me
- Reading is a great substitute for my screen time
- I don’t want to be spending too much time on my phone
- Social media use ruins my concentration
- Read a book to decrease your phone usage
The difference between passive and active actions
Passive actions: reading 10 books on how to write an ideal blog post
- Active actions: listening to 100 podcasts on starting a business
- Picking one weight-loss activity that you want to try and sticking to it for a month
- Perfectionism is just fear
Reading will not make you successful, but it will make it easier to take action
- The feedback you will get from your actions will be more valuable than reading hundreds of books
- Nothing is hidden in books, but nothing is essential for taking action either
- Consider subscribing to the Monthly Method Podcast.
Just-in-Time vs. Just in-In-Case Information
Many of us consume information just in case we ever need it.
- Why do we spend so much time and energy acquiring it when don’t need it yet?
- If you are tempted to read 50+ books a year, why don’t you set a goal to actually take actionable steps towards your goal?
Nothing is Hidden
If you are willing to be mindful and pay attention to the world around you, you will find the secret on your own
- You don’t need to find the guru or the perfect book, all you need to do is to just pay attention
- Nothing is hidden means that the truth is out there
- Scientists track what’s going on and analyze data to find answers
- Observe and try to find common trends