Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community

Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community
Resilience in turbulent times? The answer is community

Shani Graham, an educator, author, and community builder, discusses the power of community in fostering resilience during challenging times.

She highlights the importance of geographic proximity, shared activities, and strong social connections in creating a supportive and responsive community.

The power of geographic proximity in crisis response

During crises, most immediate support comes from within a close geographic radius.

This emphasizes the importance of fostering strong relationships with neighbors and forming geographically close-knit communities.

The West Beaconsfield community, for instance, was formed by inviting neighbors to a picnic, resulting in a highly supportive and responsive community.

Community engagement through shared interests and activities

Communities can be strengthened by focusing on shared interests and activities.

A community named West Beaconsfield has seen the formation of subgroups and various activities such as gardening, yoga, and history projects, fostering a strong sense of connection and belonging among members.

If our focus moved outside [the geographic community], we would lose the focus on the people in that small community who probably wouldn’t join in without that direct contact. – Shani Graham