Discover the power of reshaping your internal dialogue at work. Learn how to transform negative self-talk into a positive narrative, fostering a healthier mindset and boosting productivity. It's time to rewrite your internal script for a more fulfilling professional life.

Negative thoughts sabotage our efforts

Thoughts are just that -thoughts. They do not necessarily reflect the truth, or the beliefs and opinions of others.

  • When habitual thoughts are not in our best interest, it contributes to our physiology spiraling out of control along with our self-talk.

Be on the lookout for distorted perception

When we feel pressure, our self-talk tends to become inaccurate

  • The first step toward a more balanced perspective is to begin questioning self-statements and beliefs, especially when we know we are already under duress
  • If we can make an accurate assessment and divide what needs to be addressed from what is a misperception, then an adaptive response will follow

Rewrite the script

Rewriting your internal script requires practice, but eventually can become as automatic as the negative thinking itself

  • Notice automatic thoughts
  • Identify distortions
  • Challenge irrational beliefs
  • Replace thought distortions and irrational beliefs with more accurate, constructive statements
  • Reality checks are an important tool in transforming our internal dialogue
