Robin Sharma – The #1 Way to Process Through Pain, Sorrow, and Other Challenging Emotions (The Daily Mastery Podcast)

Robin Sharma – The #1 Way to Process Through Pain, Sorrow, and Other Challenging Emotions (The Daily Mastery Podcast)

Monumental leaders not only work to improve their mindsets; they also do the emotional healing required to purify their hearts so that the darker emotions of anger, shame, disappointment, regret, sadness, and guilt leave them—allowing for maximum creativity, productivity, prosperity, and human decency.

You get knocked down

The very nature of living a soaring life and a real human life means you will get knocked down. Our culture tells us that if you experience pain, you’ve done something wrong. and that could be true.

You could have made a mistake. Maybe it’s a relationship mistake. Yet, if you’re going to get into the game of life, you’re going to be knocked around a lot. And often, failure is the price of success.

Embracing life’s challenges

More bravery more suffering

Pain happens because you reach your mountaintop. And as you take more risks, as you get more involved in the game, and as you show more bravery, you will suffer more.

If you look at the great history makers of humanity, the Mother Teresas, the Nelson Mandelas, the Martin Luther King Jr.s, and the Rosa Parks, these people suffered more than most people because they were such great dreamers.

Watching TV all day! No pain no gain

If you live a small life watching television in a subdivision without taking any risks whatsoever, sure, you’re never going to feel a lot of pain, but you’re not really going to ever live. It’s that old idea: a ship that stays in safe harbor all day long never gets banged around very much. But that’s not what ships were made for.


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