Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect – Jonice Webb

Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect  – Jonice Webb
Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect – Jonice Webb

‘Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect’ by Jonice Webb provides an in-depth understanding of emotional neglect and its long-lasting impact on individuals. The book offers practical tools and insights to help people identify, cope, and overcome the effects of childhood emotional neglect.

Understanding Emotional Neglect

Childhood emotional neglect is the absence of emotional support or validation from one’s parents or caregivers.

This void stunts emotional growth and self-awareness, making it more challenging to form healthier relationships in adulthood.

Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries enables individuals to protect their own emotional needs and helps in preventing emotional manipulation.

It is crucial to identify and communicate one’s boundaries to ensure mutual respect in relationships.

Seeking Support

Connecting with people who have experienced similar emotional neglect fosters a sense of belonging and validation.

Support groups or therapy can be incredibly beneficial in offering guidance and encouragement during the process of recovery.

Breaking the Cycle

By understanding and overcoming childhood emotional neglect, individuals can empower themselves to break the cycle, raise emotionally attuned children, and promote healthier relationships in their lives.

Emotional Awareness

Developing emotional awareness involves identifying and understanding one’s own feelings, as well as expressing them in a healthy manner.

This heightened sense of awareness assists in making better decisions and building stronger relationships.

Invisible Yet Damaging

Emotional neglect may not be visible, but its effects are far-reaching.

It leads to feelings of emptiness, self-doubt, and isolation, reducing the ability to create and maintain meaningful connections with others.

Skill Development

To cope with the effects of emotional neglect, individuals should work on enhancing their skills, especially emotional skills, such as empathy, active listening, and effective communication.

This will facilitate healthier emotional interactions with others.

Grieving the Loss

Acknowledging and mourning the loss of emotional support during childhood is a significant step in the healing process.

Coming to terms with this void helps in finding closure and developing resilience.

Toxic Parents

Parents with a history of emotional neglect are more likely to repeat their own trauma onto their children.

These toxic patterns are often transmitted across generations, perpetuating a cycle of emotional neglect.


Self-care is essential for overcoming the impacts of emotional neglect.

Establishing a strong self-care routine, such as exercising, practicing mindfulness, and seeking professional help, uplifts mental well-being and promotes emotional healing.
