Setting Up a Hybrid Work Schedule That Works for You

Setting Up a Hybrid Work Schedule That Works for You

Before the transition occurred as a result of COVID where workers were sent home to work, employees had little or no choice over their work accommodations. However, now that businesses are returning to the workplace – workers have more options. If you find yourself able or obligated to have some in-person facetime, here are some techniques to guide your hybrid schedule options.

What schedule do I like at work?

Traditionally, the best way to do most business activities is in person

How can I increase my output?

Increase your and your team’s productivity

When do I lack motivation?

Remote employment may also influence motivation, particularly among younger Gen Z employees or clients.

Plan your workplace days around project meetings

Invite other team members to attempt to come in as well

My hybrid team needs me when?

To optimize team productivity, determine the best ways to engage (in person or virtually)


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