Should You Try Laughter Therapy

Should You Try Laughter Therapy
Should You Try Laughter Therapy

Laughter therapy, a unique approach to wellness, has been gaining traction. But is it right for you? Let's delve into the science, benefits, and potential drawbacks of this intriguing form of therapy.

There’s hard science behind laughter

Endorphins – known as our happy hormones – are released into the bloodstream, lifting our mood in a similar way to exercise

  • Laughter reduces stress, helps banish tension, and relaxes our muscles, helping us sleep better
  • It’s also believed to boost our immune system and help us take more oxygen into the body, improving energy levels

Reducing anxiety

In a laboratory study, subjects were falsely led to believe that they would receive an electric shock after 12 minutes.

  • While they waited for the shock, they were played either a funny tape recording, one that wasn’t funny, or no tape at all, while markers of anxiety were measured.

Improving general health

A study published in 2014 looked at the impact of laughter yoga sessions on the general health of 38 male nursing students

  • Overall, the group who took part in the laughter yoga showed improvement in their general health, with a reduction in sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression.
  • While the results are promising, note that this research was only carried out on men.
