Smart Calling: Eliminate the Fear, Failure, and Rejection from Cold Calling by Art Sobczak is a comprehensive guide that revolutionizes the concept of cold calling. It provides practical strategies to turn cold calls into warm, productive leads, eliminating the fear of rejection and failure.

Redefining Cold Calling

Cold calling should not be a shot in the dark.

It’s about making informed calls to prospects who have a potential interest in your product or service.

This approach, termed as ‘Smart Calling’, reduces the chance of rejection.

Handling Rejection

Rejection is part of the sales process.

Don’t take it personally.

Instead, use it as a learning opportunity to improve your approach for future calls.

Setting Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals for your calls can keep you motivated and focused.

It also allows you to track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Importance of Persistence

Persistence is key in Smart Calling.

Don’t get discouraged by initial rejections.

Keep refining your approach and continue reaching out to prospects.