“SNAP Selling” focuses on the idea that in today’s fast-paced business environment, salespeople need to be able to quickly capture their prospects’ attention, create value, and differentiate themselves from competitors. The book introduces the concept of SNAP Selling, which stands for Simple, iNvaluable, Aligned, and Priority, and provides strategies and techniques for applying this approach to sales situations.

Simple is Better

Simplicity is the key to winning over busy prospects. Keep your message short and sweet, and focus on the most important benefits that your product or service offers. Avoid using technical jargon or complicated language that could confuse or overwhelm your prospect.

Make the Most of Limited Time

When selling to busy prospects, you need to be mindful of their limited time. Make sure that every interaction is focused, purposeful, and valuable. Use tools like email templates and call scripts to streamline your communication and ensure that you’re making the most of every opportunity.

Master the Art of Follow-Up

Following up is crucial to closing deals, but it’s also one of the most challenging aspects of sales. Develop a systematic approach to follow-up that includes clear next steps, deadlines, and a clear value proposition. Be persistent but not pushy, and be patient in building relationships over time.

Continuously Improve and Adapt

To succeed in sales, you need to be constantly learning, adapting, and improving your approach. Seek out feedback from prospects and colleagues, and use that feedback to refine your messaging and tactics. Stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices, and be willing to try new things in pursuit of better results.

Use Trigger Events to Your Advantage

Pay attention to trigger events, such as changes in the prospect’s industry or organization, that could create a need for your solution. Use these events as an opportunity to reach out and offer your assistance. By positioning yourself as a helpful resource, you’ll increase the likelihood that the prospect will choose to work with you.

Create Invaluable Solutions

To stand out from competitors, you need to provide solutions that are uniquely valuable to your prospect. Ask questions to understand their specific needs and pain points, and tailor your solution accordingly. Focus on creating value that your prospect can’t find anywhere else.

Build Credibility and Trust

To build trust with your prospects, you need to establish credibility and demonstrate your expertise. Share case studies, testimonials, and other proof points that showcase your track record of success. Use social proof to your advantage, leveraging your network to connect with prospects and build your reputation.

Anticipate and Address Objections

Anticipate common objections that prospects may raise and prepare thoughtful responses that address their concerns. Use empathy to understand where they’re coming from and demonstrate how your solution can overcome their objections. By being proactive in addressing objections, you’ll build trust and confidence with your prospects.

Align with Your Prospect’s Priorities

If you want your prospect to take action, you need to show them how your solution aligns with their priorities. Research their company and industry, and use that information to craft a message that resonates with their goals and challenges. Make it clear how your solution can help them achieve their objectives.

Focus on Top Priorities

When selling to busy prospects, it’s important to focus on their top priorities. Don’t overwhelm them with information or try to sell them on every possible benefit. Instead, hone in on the most pressing concerns and show how your solution can address those issues.
