Unleashing the power of social learning tools can revolutionize the way we acquire knowledge. These platforms, when used effectively, foster collaboration, engagement, and a sense of community, transforming the learning landscape. Let's delve into their potential and how they're reshaping education.

Cost of Equipment

In order to implement social learning tools into the classroom, the school or school board must invest a large sum of money in order to purchase technological devices for its students.

  • Depending on the budget available, there may not be enough money to buy devices for every student to use.

Distraction From Learning

Social learning tools give students access to the Internet, where they can take advantage of other irrelevant websites and interfaces.

  • It is very easy for students to get distracted by other social platforms that can divert their attention away from information being presented in class. This ultimately results in a disruption to the student’s learning process.

Plagiarism and Student Integrity

Direct access to all of this information makes it easy for students to copy the work of others and use it as their own.

Learning Tools

Social networking allows students to research and gather information on topics beyond the classroom setting

  • Twitter is one such tool used in classrooms for language learning
  • Students can get feedback from other users and have a second opinion on their writing
  • Another advantage would be to use Twitter in large lecture halls

School-Wide Application

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Skype or Twitter could enhance the communication and interaction between students and their teachers

  • For professional development, it provides teachers with the networking to connect with other professionals, share lesson plans, and receive up-to-date research regarding how education is taught


Facebook is an online communication tool that allows individuals to interact within a virtual community

  • It has become the most popular social networking site since its beginnings in 2004
  • Can be used for personal and professional purposes
  • Research is being conducted on the benefits of implementing Facebook in educational settings and how it could potentially be used as a tool for teaching and learning

Stress for Teachers

Social learning tools give students the ability to communicate efficiently with teachers outside of regular classroom hours

  • Excessive stress is placed on teachers to respond quickly and provide feedback
  • Educators can also experience added pressure to learn how to teach with social learning tools
  • Many teachers are skilled with using technology, however they do not possess the knowledge on how to implement it in teaching

Google Hangouts

Communication software developed by Google

  • Easily accessible and efficient
  • All you need is a Google Account
  • Can be seen as a better version of Skype
  • There are also many other useful tools from Google like Google Drive that allow users to take part in editing and sharing


A free telecommunications tool that gives its users the opportunity to voice chat or video call between various devices such as laptops and cellphones

  • Although this application requires the Internet, it has grown to be one of the world’s most popular communication tools
  • Skype is an excellent resource to use when collaborating with participants who are in remote areas because discussions and communication can still occur


A site in which users can create their own blog

  • Can be used in an educational context
  • Provides opportunities for students to share what they write with their peers and with their caretakers
  • Sets settings in which only people with permission can see or write on the blogs themselves

Lack of Face-to-Face Communication

Some educators are concerned that students will not fully develop the ability to communicate effectively or command attention if they are constantly learning through a screen

Social Learning Tools

Social learning tools are tools used for pedagogical and andragogical purposes that utilize social software and/or social media in order to facilitate learning through interactions between individuals and systems.

  • They mediate in formal or informal learning environments to help create connections between learners, instructors, and information. These connections form dynamic knowledge networks.
  • Used in schools for teaching/learning and in businesses for training.

Commercial Advantages

If businesses create a forum for customers to write their feedbacks, they could have more ideas about how to improve their products

  • Employees could use the Internet or other program systems, in order to work from home
  • They could be informed about the current issues and concerns of the workplace

Inappropriate or Offensive Use

When students are given access to the Internet, they may post inappropriate content or use these sites in a way that can be disrespectful or damaging to others

  • Educators do not always have the means to monitor every student’s usage of these social learning tools, therefore students may be able to take advantage of this privilege for their own personal benefit and amusement


A video-sharing website founded in 2005 that was created for users to share, like, upload, and comment on videos

  • Nowadays, YouTube can be used on many devices through applications like its YouTube app
  • Although it is mainly used for music, videos on reviewing items or how to do something, it may also be used for educational purposes
  • For example, Crash Course is an account that focuses on subjects like anatomy, biology, chemistry and physics
  • There are many platforms of YouTube that lead to other useful social learning tools such as TED Talks


Pinterest is a web-based software platform that allows its users to share and discover new information through the use of pictures, descriptions, and short videos

  • Useful in the classroom through having students post their works on their own board or a class board and to share (re-pin) information between peers

Types of Environments

Formal learning: the planned process of acquiring knowledge within a structured educational or institute setting

  • Non-formal: planned process learning that is voluntary and not in a structured environment
  • Informal: information is gained inadvertently or unstructured
  • Virtual learning: learning is done via the use of web-based platforms in and out of school
  • Encouraged students to explore, discover and exchange information quickly, creatively and independently

Protection of Students’ Privacy

Social learning tools such as Facebook and Twitter are public websites that can be accessed by anyone


Although social learning tools give students the ability to interact with teachers and peers, it also provides them with the opportunity to bully others online


Social learning tools are convenient because through the various platforms that are now available, communication between students and teachers is fluid and the exchange of knowledge and ideas can be achieved remotely.

  • Students can communicate with their teachers over the Internet and attend and actively participate in lectures.


Twitter is an established micro-blogging service available to individuals with Internet access world-wide and provides unlimited access to social networks for its users, to send and receive messages.

  • One of the common site users is media outlets to broadcast current news updates.
  • Another way that Twitter is utilized is in the classroom where teachers can post reminders for test revisions, assignment due dates, upcoming field trips, etc.


Social learning tools give access, as a hub, to sources of information and resources online, either for free or at low costs through the use of the Internet.

  • Most of these tools can be downloaded and used on a smartphone, tablet or computer.

Employment Opportunities

Social media platforms have made searching for employment and connecting with potential employers easier


Instagram was created in 2010 as a social networking app for sharing photos and videos

  • It has become one of the most popular apps in the social networking world and is now used as a way to campaign companies or organizations
  • For educational purposes, it may be used for posting photos or 1-minute videos of information or subject content

Khan Academy

A non-profit organization founded by Salman Khan that provides free online educational resources used by millions worldwide

  • Best known for its strong mathematics content provided through video tutorials
  • Now expanding to include other subjects such as art history and computer science
  • Offers other ways to learn beyond just the online videos including self-paced training exercises, quizzes, and dashboards to keep track of student progress
