Social media As the second wave of the pandemic attacked India, I started to wonder what we’d have done without social media. Here are a few things we might have done differently if it weren’t for social media and the internet:1. Helplessness and social media

The Influence of Friends

If the authorities have failed us, we should take up the reigns ourselves

  • I was inspired by some amazing friends who were using social media to share resources about the pandemic
  • They shared bed availability status, phone no. of oxygen dealers, food availability etc.

My meager part

I started collecting information. All kinds of information.

The fake news and mental health

Everyone was urged to verify the news before sharing it

  • Fake leads of necessities like oxygen and vacant beds were like diseases of their own
  • They caused nothing but an increase in stress
  • A side effect of trying to help was a panicky feeling, sleeplessness, headaches and anxiety

Social volunteers

There were several groups created to help the people find resources.

  • The admins worked day and night, finding the resources needed to help, calling the resources themselves to verify, and even warned against scams where people asked for money using their real name.
  • The reward they got was people they helped thanking them and letting them know that they were successful.

Opinions on social media

Social media is a literal life-saver during these trying times

Political volunteers

Volunteers from a political party shared their numbers on social media and helped as much as they could.

  • They delivered oxygen, food, and necessities to people who were quarantined and unable to leave their homes.
  • This was an initiative by one party that was lacking in any other party.

Healthcare on social media

Doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals worked long shifts, sweating profusely under their PPE, and some didn’t see their family for weeks or months.

  • They used social media to warn everyone about the disease and it’s symptoms, and shared ways to prevent the disease.
