Sorry, but artificial sweeteners won’t help you lose weight

Sorry, but artificial sweeteners won’t help you lose weight

If you’re gonna call something “diet,” it should have to actually help you lose weight. But like dieting itself, diet foods don’t work as well in practice as they do in theory. So put down that Coke Zero and listen up. The scientific verdict on artificial sweeteners is pretty clear.

We’ve known for a while that artificial sweeteners don’t help you

Years of research has shown little benefit to switching from the real deal to a sugar-imitator

There’s a small chance that they make you gain weight

Some of the studies showed that those who ate non-nutritive sweeteners had higher BMIs and elevated risk for cardiometabolic problems.

Look, sugar is just bad for you

Sugar, especially refined sugar, boosts your insulin levels and makes you an addict in much the same way that hard drugs can


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