Sparta’s Revolutionary Constitution

Sparta’s Revolutionary Constitution

Unearth the revolutionary constitution of Sparta, a testament to its unique societal structure. Delve into the intricacies of this ancient civilization's legal framework, which defied norms and set a precedent in the annals of history.

The Spartan Revolution

There is no way of dating the Spartan revolution with certainty.

The Spartan constitution, commonly dated to the early 7th century BC, is the first known constitution that vested supreme power in the hands of an Assembly composed of all citizens

In addition to the Assembly of citizens, Sparta retained two kings, with largely ceremonial functions, just like the British monarchy today

Sparta also had five elected ephors.

Ephors were executives responsible for carrying out the day-to-day business of running the city, including the receiving and sending of ambassadors

The most radical feature of Sparta’s constitution was the introduction of land reform.

Although this event is lost in the mists of undated ancient history, all ancient historians agree that at some point in the late 8th or early 7th century BC, Spartan society underwent a severe crisis.


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