Staying Authentic When Those Around You Are Not

Staying Authentic When Those Around You Are Not
Staying Authentic When Those Around You Are Not

It can be challenging to hold onto your authenticity when you are around people who seem fake. A fake laugh, unreasonably bubbly personality, or tone of voice that is incongruous with what is going on can be more than just off-putting; it can influence interactions and really throw us off

Why Does the Lack of Authenticity Impact Us?

Dealing with inauthentic people very much impacts our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

  • We learn a lot about people with the subtle, unspoken cues we receive during a conversation
  • When we are faced with fake behavior, we don’t know what to do with it
  • Are they hiding something? Can I trust them? Do I need to watch my back or be careful of what I say?

Stay grounded and centered

Set aside some time alone to reconnect with yourself and try some mindfulness exercises

  • Close your eyes and center yourself with deep breathing; notice the physical sensations of your body
  • Engage with your senses and listen to the sounds and smells
  • Let your face, neck, and shoulders relax

Show compassion

If you are feeling brave, ask the person who is struggling with authenticity a few compassionate questions or comments

  • This works best if it is a one-on-one situation, to avoid putting them on the spot or potentially embarrassing them
  • Even asking simple questions such as “how are you, really?” can make room for authenticity

Don’t take their difficulty personally

When people struggle with being authentic, it is usually a reflection of their own relationship with themselves.

  • There may be some underlying social anxiety, fear of judgment, or other reasons for the struggle, none of which is connected to interacting with you specifically.

Think about authenticity as a skill

It is easier to put on whatever mask seems fitting for the situation and show the world what you think they want to see.

  • Showing up as yourself, without social masking, is brave, and this is not something that comes easily to some people.
