The Greater University Tutoring Service has plenty of resources, including advice, tutors and workshops. But here are a few that have worked for me that work for you.Final exams are almost here. To help you out, we’ve compiled a few tips from a variety of sources
Know the test format
Practice flash cards and know the vocabulary, facts, and dates for multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions.
Manage your time
Ask the professor in advance how many questions to expect
- Spend more time on questions that are worth more points
- Overthink the easy questions
- Cover up your answers and rework the problems to see if you get the same outcome
Go back to the tough questions
While you have been answering the easy questions, your subconscious brain has been thinking about the hard questions and trying to solve them
Create a study schedule
Make sure it is realistic and one that you can commit yourself to.
- Include study breaks throughout your days, as well as time for meals and to sleep. Make sure you are spending time on the exams that are more challenging or that you need to score higher on.
Get a good night’s sleep
A good night of sleep will help retention of information
- According to the National Sleep Foundation, the quantity and quality of sleep you get throughout the days of study and the night before a big exam will help you with learning and remembering information.