Success Mantras From Zig Ziglar to Help You Unleash Your True Potential

Success Mantras From Zig Ziglar to Help You Unleash Your True Potential
Success Mantras From Zig Ziglar to Help You Unleash Your True Potential

Unearth the wisdom of Zig Ziglar, a beacon of motivation and success. His mantras, a treasure trove of inspiration, can guide you to unlock your true potential. Let's delve into his profound insights and transform your journey towards success.

Create a very specific and detailed goal

Ziglar wants you to set specific goals: big goals, long-range goals, daily goals

  • Imaginate reaching your goals: bring some emotion into your body to mimic the emotions you would feel when you actually achieve your dreams
  • Visualize yourself living the type of life you intend to live

Start slow and develop as you go

You don’t need to have everything figured out from the beginning

  • Do not compare yourself to others
  • Know your strengths and abilities
  • Keep your focus on yourself
  • Have the character to hang in there even when things get tough

Develop habits for success

Plan your day first thing in the morning

  • Visualize all the things you will do today and how you will accomplish them
  • Motivation doesn’t last forever, but habits do
  • Habit-forming is difficult at the beginning, but once you start doing it consistently, it becomes second nature

Express gratitude

“Of all the “attitudes” we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.”

  • Zig Ziglar

Believe that you can

If deep inside you do not believe you have what it takes to reach your goals, you will never reach them

  • Optimize your mind
  • Study your limiting thoughts and figure out from where they arise
  • Develop a positive self-image
  • Don’t worry about what others think of you
  • Focus on your priorities

Value your time and use it effectively

Plan your day so you don’t waste it

  • When you have a set plan in place, you will automatically learn to say no to things that are not productive
  • This will help you be a more productive and efficient worker

Ziglar’s book, ‘See You At The Top’, was rejected 39 times before it was published in the year 1975

It is still in print today and is considered an American classic.

  • Goes to show what persistence can help you achieve.
  • It does not matter how slow you are as long as you are persistent

Learn from your mistakes

Ask yourself, what your mistakes are trying to teach you

  • Always keep an open mind, and always be open to learning
  • Connect with yourself – spend time with yourself, get to know and understand yourself
  • Spend time in solitude – be quiet and reflect
  • Surround yourself with uplifting people – surround yourself with people who want the best for you

There are 2 types of people:

Lilies – those who uplift you

  • Leeches – those who drain you.
  • If you are surrounded by leeches all day long, they will suck your energy dry and you will find yourself feeling a lot less motivated and productive.
  • Make a conscious effort to cut out toxic people from your life
