Pomodoro: Animedoro, Manga, Gaming, GamingDoro, Series, and SeriesDoro are just a few of the many sub-genres of anime, manga, gaming, and gaming that can be applied to the practice of animedoro and gaming.

Here be distractions

When you start the practice of meditation, mind starts drifting to myriad thoughts.

  • Accept these thoughts and choose not to interact with them
  • Keep a diary or a page – whenever something distracting pops up write it down and continue to focus on the present moment

Thinking in Pomodoros

Start with major tasks and then break tasks in subtasks

  • Estimate these tasks and subtask
  • Deadlines help, procrastination is second nature
  • “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”
  • Parkinson’s law

Bigger is better

Once you start hitting the time barrier consistently, it becomes a bit of a nuisance to take break mid flow

  • Keep increasing the time frame go from 25 to 30, 45 to 60 heck even 90.
  • The aim is to take breaks in the lows recharge and hit goals again.

Grind through it

The urge to break the flow is high

  • Only keep the minimum tabs required
  • Turn phone notifications off, heck get the phone away from work place
  • Make it difficult
  • Rules like “No tik tok on work mode”
  • Bonus play time for completing a session
