The 11 time-management mistakes you’re probably making, and how to fix them

The 11 time-management mistakes you’re probably making, and how to fix them
The 11 time-management mistakes you’re probably making, and how to fix them

Many people turn to certain time-management techniques, but some of those may actually only be adding to the time crunch. Learn ways that you can conquer the mismanagement of time – and you’ll rectify this headache. Here are some time management traps that you may be falling into, and ways to conquer them.

Denying you have a time-management problem

Complaining about the lack of time prevents you from facing reality: something is broken.

  • Admit that you need to get better at managing your time and start experimenting with techniques that will help you reach your goals.

Having to wake up early

It’s all about working around your peak productivity and setting aside blocks of time to focus on your priorities

  • Plan out your days to work on your most important tasks when you have the most energy and focus
  • If your peak is at sunset, that’s when you should block out the time to get things done

Being “perfect”

Constantly striving for perfection is unrealistic

  • It’s not worth it
  • Steve Jobs
  • Perfectionism can lead to impropriety
  • As an entrepreneur, you can’t afford to prolong the development of your products or services excessively

Working non-stop

Force yourself to take a break.

  • Your break need only be a 10-minute walk between but try to unplug completely during non-business hours
  • Get a remote desk and move it up and down a couple of times a day

Letting the “urgent” overtake the “important”

Prioritize so that you’re not just dealing with the urgent

  • Use the Eisenhower Matrix to help you prioritize your tasks
  • To do first: prioritize the most important responsibilities first
  • Schedule then delegate
  • Don’t do

Never finding the time management system that works for you

If one system doesn’t work, try another.

Improper Delegation

Check your ego and delegate

  • Be aware of what’s going on, but check your ego at the door and delegate the right tasks to the appropriate people
  • If you don’t have a staff, outsource specific jobs to freelancers

Being inflexible

You’ll always get interrupted by something, so plan ahead

  • Leave open an hour after lunch for a client to contact you if they have a problem
  • This allows you to resolve the issue without rescheduling any other items on your to-do list

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Neglecting to plan out your day

Set daily goals including tasks you’d like to complete, then prioritize them in order of importance.

  • Review your calendar regularly to brace yourself mentally, save time in the morning, and reduce decision fatigue
  • Planning gives you structure and gives you control.

Over-and-under committing time

Miscalculate how long it will take to complete a task

  • Keep a time log to see how much time things actually take
  • You can do this manually in a notebook or using time tracking software
  • It is important to not over-commit to a task if it is going to take a long time

Cleaning your workspace daily

A little bit of mess can actually spark creativity

  • If you don’t have the time, set aside an hour on a Friday afternoon to clean and organize your workspace
  • This can be a soft productive task that still ends the week on a high note
