The 4 Rules for a Big Back

The 4 Rules for a Big Back

If you can’t “find” a muscle, how are you supposed to load it effectively? Here are four tips to help you find and build your back better. Big Back, Guaranteed If I asked you to contract your biceps, you wouldn’t have a problem. That’s because you can see your elbows flexing and visualize them contracting.

Find The Muscles To Feel Them Working

Isometrics in the peak contracted (maximally shortened) position tend to work best for your middle and upper back.

Keep Your Reps Honest

If you have a good reason for using a partial range of motion, then go for it.

Pre-Fatigue the Mid-Back Muscles

The iso-dynamic method is an intensity technique used to pre-fatigue a muscle group and increase time under tension

Use Different Grips and Angles

Different exercises are suited to different individuals, and some will allow you to feel your back working harder than others.


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