The 6 biggest lessons about work from 2021

The 6 biggest lessons about work from 2021

In 2021, we assumed we’d return to something a little more consistent, with more concrete answers than we had in 2020. We envisioned ourselves back in offices at least a few days a week, returning to meetings (albeit with more hand sanitiser). But, for much of the workforce, things haven’t played out that way; if anything, 2021 showed us that what’s “normal” in the world of work is a constantly moving target.

The flexible-work genie is out of the bottle

In 2020, changes to work set-ups felt reactive to the pandemic, and it was hard for employees to know which shifts would stick

Flying blind for the foreseeable future

As new Covid-19 variants emerge, making solid plans for the future is impossible – if not almost laughable.

The heavy weight of increased poor work-life balance

Without commutes to take or office doors to walk out of, many workers are finding it harder to draw hard lines between personal and professional lives.


Many employees are still left in limbo without having a sense of how a hybrid set-up will work for them


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