The Anti-Universe

The Anti-Universe
The Anti-Universe

Imagine a cosmos where time runs backwards and antimatter dominates. Welcome to the concept of the Anti-Universe. A realm of reversed laws of physics, it challenges our understanding of the universe and opens up new frontiers in cosmological research.

Universe running backwards in time

Quantum mechanics doesn’t predict a single solid result when undergoing an observation. On the contrary, it predicts a number of different possible outcomes.

  • Entropy is a measure of the number of possible arrangements the atoms in a system can have.
  • Even Schrödinger’s cat and quantum decoherence states that two state continue to exist separate and decoherent from each other, creating a new branch of reality based upon the two outcomes.

CPT symmetry

At the particle level, the universe appears CPT symmetric

  • The general notion is that a physical system(made up of particles) will follow the same laws as an identical system made up of anti-particles like a mirror image of one another.
  • To preserve the symmetry, there must be a mirror-image cosmos that just balances out our own

ANITA Experiment

The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) experiment has been designed to study ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrinos by detecting the radio pulses emitted by their interactions with the Antarctic ice sheet

  • Usually particles and photons interact at high energies with microwave background photons making them unable to propagate
  • None of the known Standard Model particles should have been able to fly all the way through the Earth and burst out the other side at such high energies
  • These findings can’t be explained by our current understanding of physics


High-energy particles that pass through most solid objects without anyone noticing

  • They are made up of smaller particles called quarks – up quark and down quark
  • There are three known neutrino flavors
  • electron-neutrinos, muon-nucleino, and tau neutrinos
  • All three are left-handed variants of the same particle

T2K Experiment

An intense beam of muon neutrinos is generated at the J-PARC nuclear physics site on the East coast of Japan and directed across the country to the Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector in the mountains of western Japan.

  • The beam is measured and the change in the measured intensity and composition of the beam is used to provide information on the properties of the neutrinos.

Recent Discovery

Neil Turock of the Perimeter Institute in Canada says that when our big bang expansion of a matter universe happened, at the same time it created a collapsing antimatter universe containing this unwanted antimatter to be bound up in a singularity and hidden from us.

  • The implication of this model is that there would be two sides to universe – matter as well as anti-matter.

Explaining Dark matter

Dark matter is the most mysterious thing in the entire universe in a way how it affects ordinary matter.

  • The Standard Model assumes that neutrinos don’t have partners, but the CPT-symmetric universe disagrees, indicating they should have those partners.
  • Sterile Neutrinos are hypothetical particles that are believed to not interact via any other fundamental interaction other than gravity.
