Art is that subtle reality of nature to infuse the world, its ***** with symmetry and asymmetry, chaos and order, in every manifestation of its subjects. And to assimilate art is to exercise keenness in our observation of the existence. Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

The veneer of aesthetics

Aesthetics is the science of art

  • It is the joint result of an intellectual and a sensitive life: requiring an exquisite delicacy in the organisation of the nervous system, to convey to the mind the slightest impressions from the external world, with intellectual power to appreciate them
  • To enjoy these more refined delights of sense, which a perfect and harmonious form, or richness and delicacy of color, or the harmonies and melodies of sound, supply to the cultivated eye or ear, is the privilege of many.
  • To give these “void nothings a local existence and a name” is the prerogative of a genius artist

Beauty in observation

It takes patience to observe that the canvas of the painting has been artful, well before the painter made his first stroke

  • Whatever the subject, a true artist transfers to the canvas, and renders permanent to all visible eyes – a moral beauty: not mere animal beauty, not even the mere virtue of the form, but a higher kind, a spiritual beauty
  • There are times when the calm of external nature sink deepest into our hearts
  • The golden glow in which the evening sun steeps the earth seems more precious

Truth of Imagination

Imagination is the inherent power of an artist, who clothes profound truths in his work

  • The first criteria for being an artist is to have taste
  • It is a hopeful sign when any artist becomes intellectually self-reliant – a sure sign of developing character and taste: when he accepts an inspiration because, in his recognisance, he believes it to be intrinsically good
