In the complex world of software development and consulting, pricing projects can be a challenge due to their dynamic nature and changing priorities. This article presents insights gathered over several years of experience in software consulting. It outlines common issues, such as misalignment of goals, underestimation of challenges, and barriers in communication. It also provides viable solutions including agile methodology, proof of concept trials, and a goal-oriented evaluation system.

Recognizing and addressing common issues

Software projects often face a range of issues that contribute to their complexity.

From dynamic sub-systems and variable user preferences to shifting priorities and misalignments between vendors and customers, these challenges can cause many possible hiccups or ‘slips’ in developing and executing a project.

The key to overcoming these issues lies in clear communication and coordination, transforming a standard customer-vendor relationship into a partnership where mutual victory equates to project success.

The benefits of an Agile project

An agile project, while having a broad scope and established goals, has the flexibility to adapt and change direction based on opportunities and circumstances.

It is suggested to favor a smaller team engaged over longer timelines rather than a large team on a shorter schedule to avoid excessive management overhead and slow progress, as per Brooke’s Law.

The aim should always be to make the software live as quickly as possible so that the customer starts seeing value immediately.

Setting the tone for long-term success

Long-term project success can be enhanced through a high level of trust, focus on common goals, and proactive communication between the parties involved.

Evaluating projects based on goal fulfillment rather than strict technical requirements, and employing a monthly retainer pricing model, can encapsulate the complex nature of software projects.

This flexibility allows the vendor to constantly show a return on investment and the customer the option to cancel the project whenever necessary.

The power of the Agile approach

To manage uncertainties and navigate around potential issues, an Agile methodology is suggested as an effective approach.

The Agile approach encourages the establishment of clear, measurable goals, fast deployment of the initial software version, constant improvement guided by user feedback, and frequent releases.

Moreover, it promotes weekly feedback sessions among project stakeholders to steer the project development in tune with the intended goals.

The value of trial runs

In situations where clients and vendors have not previously collaborated, employing a paid ‘Proof of Concept’ (PoC) project is recommended for 2-4 weeks.

This small-scale trial allows parties to test each other’s commitment, communication, understanding of requirements, and quality of deliverables.

It provides a venue for the vendor to prove their capability, and for the client to confirm their project vision.
