The BEST EVENING ROUTINE! If You’re ALWAYS tired – It All Begins here! | Tom Bilyeu

The BEST EVENING ROUTINE! If You’re ALWAYS tired – It All Begins here! | Tom Bilyeu
The BEST EVENING ROUTINE! If You’re ALWAYS tired – It All Begins here! | Tom Bilyeu

This episode explores the importance of an effective evening routine, focusing on the critical role of sleep for productivity, energy, and overall well-being.

Tom Bilyeu shares valuable insights and practical strategies to optimize sleep, from diet and exercise to the use of technology and the design of your bedroom.

Maintaining a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Aligning with the body’s circadian rhythms by maintaining a consistent bedtime can lead to quality sleep.

Avoid setting alarms for sleep to minimize stress and allow the body to determine its own sleep duration.

The Role of Light Exposure

Exposure to bright and blue light, particularly before bedtime, interrupts the body’s circadian rhythm, signaling wakefulness rather than sleep.

Utilizing blue light-blocking glasses or setting devices to night mode can mitigate these negative effects, promoting better sleep.

The Snowball Effect of Sleep Hygiene

Optimizing sleep hygiene can lead to a snowball effect, leading to improved focus, energy, productivity, cognition, and overall health.

From managing stress to creating an evening ritual, every small adjustment can significantly improve sleep quality and, in turn, overall well-being.

Trust that you’ve learned from the past and forgive yourself. You’re not the same person you were before, and every moment is an opportunity for growth. – Tom Bilyeu

The Power of Breathing Techniques

Deep breathing techniques, such as taking six deep breaths, can create a state change and reduce stress, promoting relaxation before sleep.

Breathing through the nose while sleeping can also optimize airflow and prevent issues like sleep apnea.

The Impact of Late-Night Eating and Alcohol

Consuming heavy meals or alcohol close to bedtime can disrupt the sleep cycle, reducing the quality of deep sleep.

This can result in diminished focus and energy the following day.

It’s crucial to be mindful of timing and quantity when it comes to food and alcohol.

You really can construct your routine every day to optimize for Sleep, which is going to have huge impacts in cognition and your overall health. – Tom Bilyeu

Technology and Sleep

Engaging with electronic devices such as phones and laptops can induce stress and disrupt sleep.

Disconnecting from these devices, especially an hour before bed, can reduce distractions and promote relaxation.

It’s also advisable to remove these devices from the bedroom to create a ‘sleep sanctuary’.

The Value of Self-Compassion

It’s important to have self-compassion when facing sleep problems.

If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep, don’t stress.

Get out of bed, do something relaxing in a different room until you feel sleepy again, and trust in your body’s natural sleep rhythm.

The Connection Between Sleep and Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of sleep apnea and allow for better breathing during sleep.

Prioritizing sleep can also improve glucose response and aid in weight management, impacting various aspects of life positively.

The Importance of Sleep Environment

Creating a cool, dark environment in your bedroom promotes better sleep.

Lower the room temperature to around 68 degrees Fahrenheit and use blackout curtains to minimize artificial light exposure.

These simple adjustments can have a profound impact on sleep quality.

Cannabinoids and Sleep

Different cannabinoids in marijuana can influence sleep differently.

For instance, CBN may be more effective for sleep than CBD.

Exploring the use of cannabinoids, such as sublingual tinctures, may have potential benefits for sleep and relaxation.

The Significance of Chronotypes

Understanding your chronotype, or when your body naturally wants to sleep and wake up, can help create a sleep schedule that aligns with your biological rhythms.

This can optimize your sleep and wakefulness periods, leading to improved focus and productivity.

Exercise and Sleep

While exercising close to bedtime can increase stress hormones, making it difficult to fall asleep, morning exercise can enhance deep sleep and lower nighttime blood pressure.

The right timing and intensity of exercise can therefore significantly improve sleep quality.
