The block universe theory, where time travel is possible but time passing is an illusion

The block universe theory, where time travel is possible but time passing is an illusion

Unravel the mysteries of the block universe theory, a concept that challenges our understanding of time. Explore the intriguing possibility of time travel and the illusion of time's passage, as we delve into the depths of this fascinating theoretical framework.

According to the block universe theory, the universe is a giant block of all the things that ever happen at any time and at any place

On this view, the past, present, and future all exist – and are equally real

As a time traveller, you are always part of the past

The events in the block are there for all time: they do not change.

In the block universe, time doesn’t pass

There is no specific present moment, and “past” and “future” moments are relative

Does that mean we can travel in time?

Traveling in time is much more complicated than traveling in space, but it is possible.


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