Explore the key strategies adopted by industry leaders to build and launch successful AI products.

Discover how alignment, ethics, and user feedback play a crucial role, and why embracing AI early can offer a competitive advantage. Learn the surprising things that leaders at Shopify, Typeform, and Salesforce focused on to build and launch successful Al products (spoiler: it’s not just picking the right LLM).

Lessons from

  • Aliisa Rosenthal (Head of Sales at OpenAI),
  • Oji Udezue (Chief Product Officer – Typeform),
  • Kathy Baxter (Principal Architect, Responsible AI & Tech, Salesforce) and
  • Miqdad Jaffer (Director of Product – Shopify)

Alignment and Final Mile Consideration

Building a successful AI product necessitates alignment across the entire organization and a meticulous consideration of the ‘final mile’.

This last stretch of the product development process often presents the most challenges, and thus requires careful planning and execution.

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Mission-Centric AI Integration

When integrating AI into product offerings, it’s crucial to remain true to the mission and vision for the customer.

AI should not feel like an add-on, but rather, it should be seamlessly woven into customer workflows, providing value and enhancing user experiences.

Every single individual that is building the product, that’s responsible for the marketing of it, that’s responsible for the sales of it, everyone needs to understand what it means to create, implement, and use this technology responsibly. – Kathy Baxter, Principal Architect, Responsible AI & Tech – Salesforce

Trust and Ethics in AI Development

Trust and ethics are paramount in AI tool development.

This involves not only adhering to ethical guidelines but also staying abreast of the latest research to ensure the responsible use of AI.

Regular evaluations are necessary to maintain ethical standards.