Understanding the fine line between healthy expression and unprofessional outbursts is crucial in a professional setting. Let's delve into the dos and don'ts of venting in the workplace, ensuring a harmonious and productive environment for all.


Venting is a brief release of emotion and frustration

  • It’s an expression of how you’re feeling in that moment while keeping in mind what you’re feeling is temporary
  • Complaining, on the other hand, is characterized by griping about the same issues and largely putting blame on an external factor for your own emotions

Keep the Chat Safe

Avoid pinging the wrong person, or worse, accidentally sending the wrong message.

  • When it comes to company communications, keep it company-appropriate and never say something on chat or email you wouldn’t want your team to unearth.

Weekly Woes

During this 5-10 minute allotment, the team has an open floor to vent about whatever hurdles they’re facing

  • The benefits of airing it all out in meeting during a set time is that more often than not, there is another colleague or manager attending that can help untangle whatever is going on

Choose Wisely

Choose wisely who you vent to

  • It’s about who you trust with handling your emotions and sharing your information
  • A coworker you’ve known since you started at the company is a good bet
  • If you’re upset about being overlooked for a promotion, talk to someone you trust

Let It Out

Venting can be a healthy way of bonding and communicating with your colleagues, and doing so in a way that doesn’t jeopardize your career is key

  • While some issues may be as minor as “the printer is broken again”, or larger issues such as, “I don’t feel respected at work”, no matter the severity, it’s important to parse and let yourself express what you feel in a safe way.

Write It Down

Document your emotions to reduce stress and trauma

  • Writing down what you’re feeling also helps with that “pent up” feeling
  • By expressing yourself via writing, you may be able to think more clearly about the issues at large

Take a Walk

While pinging your closest coworker isn’t the best way to vent in the workplace, asking your colleague to go on a quick coffee run or even a walk around the block can help distract you.

  • Video call a friend or coworker and ask them to chat. Share your troubles with a confidante in a way that doesn’t compromise the work environment.
