The Engineer/Manager Pendulum

The Engineer/Manager Pendulum
The Engineer/Manager Pendulum

The central drama for many people goes something like this: “I’m a senior engineer, but I’m thinking about being a manager. I have to be a manager to get promoted. I hope it isn’t terrible, once I make the switch. I hear it’s terrible.”

“Your advice is bad and you should feel bad”:

The best frontline eng managers in the world are never more than 2-3 years removed from hands-on work, full time down in the trenches.

  • And the best individual contributors are the ones who have done time in management. Back and forth. Like a pendulum.

The Pendulum

Being an IC is like reverse-engineering how a company works with very little information.

  • A lot of things seem ridiculous, or pointless, or inefficient from the perspective of a leaf node.
  • Being a manager teaches you how the business works, and how people work.
  • You will learn to have uncomfortable conversations, resolve conflicts, and learn to crave conflict.

Management is NOT a promotion

Becoming a manager is a lateral move onto a parallel track. Management is not a promotion, management is a change of profession.

  • You will be bad at it for a long time after you start doing it. If you do not think you are good at it, you are not doing your job.

On being a manager (of technical projects)

Management is highly interruptive, and great engineering – where you’re learning things – requires blocking out interruptions.

  • As a manager, it is your job to be available for your team, to be interrupted, and to choose to hand off the challenging assignments, so that your engineers can get better at engineering.

Being a tech lead (of people)

The best tech leads in the world are always the ones who done time in management

  • A tech lead is a manager, but their first priority is achieving the task at hand
  • They still need the full manager toolset
  • Need to know how to rally people and teams and motivate them
  • Connect the dots between business objectives and technical objectives
  • Break down big objectives into components
