The Feynman Learning Technique

The Feynman Learning Technique

Unravel the secrets of the Feynman Learning Technique, a revolutionary approach to knowledge acquisition. Discover how this method, pioneered by Nobel laureate Richard Feynman, can transform your learning process, enhancing comprehension and retention.

The Feynman Learning Technique

It leverages the power of teaching for better learning

Richard Feynman also provided advice on how to sort through information so you can decide what is relevant and what you should bother learning.

In a series of non-technical lectures in 1963, memorialized in a short book called The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen Scientist, Feynmann talks through basic reasoning and some of the problems of his day


Knowing something is valuable

The Feynman Technique

Pretend to teach a concept you want to learn about to a student in the sixth grade

What does it mean to “know?”

Richard Feynman believed that “the world is much more interesting than any one discipline.”


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