The Health Benefits of Power Naps

The Health Benefits of Power Naps
The Health Benefits of Power Naps

Napping can be a great way to refresh your mind and body, increase productivity, and enhance your creativity. Napping puts the body in a relaxed state, which counteracts the effects of daily stress. But effective napping is as much an art as it is a science.

Naps and the Stages of Sleep

The National Institutes of Health outlines the stages of sleep, each of which is characterized by different physiological changes.

  • A 20-minute “power nap” is ideal for people looking to increased alertness and motor learning skills, as it lasts about 10 minutes longer than a normal nap.

Try a Caffeine Power Nap

Some people swear by combining the power of a quick snooze and some caffeine together.

  • A “caffeine nap,” or as some affectionately call a “nappuccino,” entails getting a quick caffeine boost followed by a power nap immediately after.

How to Nap Effectively

Everyone is different

  • The average duration of stage 1 and 2 sleep is about 20 minutes, but not everyone glides effortlessly from one stage to the next in the same amount of time
  • Other factors that can affect your body’s reaction to a mid-day snooze include: being chronically sleep deprived, having a full night’s rest the night before, and being rested the evening before

Top 6 Power Nap Tips

Choose the best time for a nap

  • The best nap is the one in which you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep for the shortest amount of time, while still waking refreshed
  • Commit to a 30-minute maximum
  • Avoid napping before bedtime
  • Most people find that their optimal power nap is achieved somewhere between 20-30 minutes.
  • Set an alarm to wake them up at the right time
  • Opt for darkness
  • Find a quiet napping space
