The Hook Model: How to Manufacture Desire in 4 Steps

The Hook Model: How to Manufacture Desire in 4 Steps

Why are these sites so addictive and what does their power mean for the future of the web? Why do these sites control users’ minds and what is their power for the web as a whole, and how can we stop them? Let’s examine why they are so addictive.

The Hook Model

Just amassing millions of users is no longer good enough.

What is the Hook Model?

The Hook Model is a way of describing a user’s interactions with a product as they pass through four phases: a trigger to begin using the product, an action to satisfy the trigger, a variable reward for the action, and some type of investment that, ultimately, makes the product more valuable to the user.

The cycle in the Hook Model is comprised of a Trigger, Action, Reward, and Investment.

Triggers come in two types: external and internal


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