The Like Switch by Jack Schafer is a comprehensive guide to understanding human behavior to influence, attract, and win people over. Drawing on his experiences as an ex-FBI agent, Schafer offers a unique perspective on non-verbal communication, persuasion, and reading people.

The Friendship Formula

Schafer presents a Friendship Formula – Proximity + Frequency + Duration + Intensity = Friendship.

This formula emphasizes the importance of these four elements in building strong relationships.

Building Rapport

The book provides strategies for building rapport, including active listening, showing genuine interest, and using positive body language.

The Rule of Reciprocity

Schafer introduces the ‘Rule of Reciprocity’ – people tend to return favors, making this a powerful tool for influence and persuasion.

Managing Conflicts

The book offers strategies for managing conflicts, emphasizing the importance of understanding the other person’s perspective and finding a common ground to resolve disputes.