The Link Between Happiness and a Sense of Humor

The Link Between Happiness and a Sense of Humor

Unravel the intriguing connection between happiness and humor. Discover how laughter can be more than just a response to a funny joke, but a key to unlocking a more joyful, fulfilling life.

Humor is a serious business for happiness, however, and cultivating the skill of finding humor in life, even during the darkest times, can be the secret to keeping us from despair.

Researchers have theorized that a sense of humor is made up of six basic variables: the cognitive ability to create or understand jokes, an appreciation and enjoyment of jokes, behavior patterns of joking and laughing, cheerful or humorous temperament, a bemused attitude about life, and a strategy of using humor in the face of adversity

Stay positive

Negative, hurtful, or excessively dark jokes are a corrosive force on your and others’ well-being.

Reject grimness

The most obvious piece of advice is not to be grim and humorless

Don’t worry about being funny

It’s better to consume humor than to supply it


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