The Lost Art of Closing: Winning the Ten Commitments That Drive Sales by Anthony Iannarino is a comprehensive guide to the modern sales process. It emphasizes the importance of securing a series of commitments from potential clients in order to close a sale. The book offers a fresh perspective on the traditional understanding of closing, which is often associated with pressure and manipulation, and reframes it as a customer-centric process that adds value and builds relationships.

Commitment to Time

Securing a prospect’s time is the first essential step in the sales process.

It is vital to convince them that the time invested in exploring your product or service will be worthwhile.

This commitment lays the groundwork for future interactions.

Commitment to Execute

The final commitment involves executing the agreed-upon solution.

This step is about delivering on promises and ensuring that the prospect achieves the desired results.

The Power of Commitments

Commitments are powerful tools in the sales process.

They create a sense of mutual obligation and progress, helping to move the sales process forward one step at a time.

Customer-Centric Selling

The book promotes a customer-centric approach to selling.

It emphasizes the importance of understanding the customer’s needs and crafting solutions that provide real value.