The Macbeth Witches

The Macbeth Witches
The Macbeth Witches

The Play Macbeth was first performed on stage in the year 1606. It is a play in which Shakespeare wished to get inside the skin of a murderer showing us the psychological effects of committing such crimes as macbeth and the other characters (specially Lady Macbhet).

Supernatural in contemporary England

Witchcraft was a ‘vogue’ issue in the early reign of James I

  • Even before he ascended the throne, King James I believed he had been the subject of a plot by three Scottish witches to shipwreck him by stirring up storms
  • Learned books were also published on the subject such as A Discourse of the Subtle Practices of Devils (1587) and King James’ own Demonology (1597)
  • Some of the learned works expressed scepticism as to the more far-fetched claims made about witches, but they agreed in their existence


William Shakespeare wrote the play of Macbeth, and kept the witches as mysterious figures in his play because he wanted to keep them to himself

The supernatural in Macbeth

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

  • In Hamlet, the title character utters this, perhaps meaning that there are things that science and human knowledge cannot explain yet.
  • Taken out of context, this quote is more appropriate in respect to Macbitt in which there is more use of the supernatural than in any other Shakespearean play.

The fourth witch

Lady Macbeth: cunning and ruthless while planning for the murder of Duncan

  • Invokes the spirits that tend on mortal thoughts to fill her with cruelty and ‘unsex’ her
  • She pretends to be ruthless while being guilt ridden and plagued by the consequences of her crimes

What are the witches of Macbeth?

The witches are projected as primal, elemental beings inhabiting the world of nature beyond our senses.

  • They have the power to control the weather and are followers of Hecate, the classical Goddess of the Moon and sorcery, and partake in dark magic, necromancy, prophecy, and so on.

Superstitions surrounding the play

In the theatre and film industry, it is considered bad luck to mention the name of the play, Macbeth.

  • There have been instances where various accidents, injuries, and even deaths have been attributed to the mention of the name “Macbeth”.

Some more resources

Pousali created a Pinterest board to reference while creating art about witches

The role of the weird sisters in Macbeth’s fall

Some critics believe that these witches were the epitome of evil fully responsible for the fall of MacBeth.

  • Others consider the witches to be the mere embodiment of ambitious thoughts which had already moved the couple to murderous intentions.
  • Personally, I believe that they are actually neutral.

The Dramatics of the Weird Sisters

The opening scene of the play begins with the weird sisters meeting in thunder and lightning in a desert place

  • Their chant, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair;” sets the keynote for the whole play.
  • What strikes Macbeth as fair, such as the prophecy of Kingship and apparent invincibility in battle, is actually foul
  • Similarly, what was perceived as foul such as Duncan at Inverness proves to be fair
