Metaverse Explained Part 2 explains why you should care about the Metaverse and why it has the potential to be one of the most impactful technological developments of the next 50 years. This is the second of a four-part series exploring the concept of the metaverse.

Why Virtual Reality Matters

VR allows you to immerse yourself in another world unbound by the limits of reality.

  • Now that we have this tool that fundamentally changes how we experience the world, we need a platform to unleash its power for the world to enjoy together.
  • That’s where the Metaverse comes in.


The next instance of this phenomenon will be when the Metaverse changes the world as we know in similar yet perhaps more profound ways than the internet has over the last few decades

Why the Metaverse Matters

With the rise of the internet, computers, and smartphones, we now experience much of life in flat, boring, two-dimensional screens when life was meant to be experienced in three dimensions

  • The Metaverse represents the next phase of the digital revolution, from 2D to 3D, where we can now visualize and experience all of what the world wide web has to offer with a natural user interface
  • Thanks to tomorrow’s technology we will have both a convenient and enjoyable shopping experience

Who Will Own the Metaverse?

Most companies will inevitably build their own worlds, experiences, shops, etc.

  • Will it be similar to the internet as a decentralized network full of different websites/worlds or will there be a “ruler” of the overarching universe?

An Integral Part of Everyday Life

For the first time in history, anybody with a virtual reality headset will be able to experience the best of what life has to offer and much, much more in this virtual universe unbound by the laws of physics

  • You can be anyone you want to be – have office meetings, play billiards, learn something new, you name it – you can do it here

How Will We Enter This Virtual World?

There are 3 key stages of VR: Stage 1: VR tech that allows for a relatively immersive experience in a virtual space with just a head-mounted display and two hand controllers.

  • Stage 2: When haptic body suits and omnidirectional treadmills or shoes allow for your entire body to feel and move around the virtual space the way it would in the real world.
  • Stage 3: Advanced VR which will allow you to transport your consciousness, leaving your physical body in its current space.

Why the Metaverse Matters

Metaverse economics and the role it will play in the future economy

  • Disclaimer: We actively write about the themes in which we invest or may invest: virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and robotics
  • From time to time, we may write about companies that are in our portfolio
  • Content on this site including opinions on specific themes in technology, market estimates, and estimates and commentary regarding publicly traded or private companies is not intended to be relied upon and provided solely for informational purposes.

Meeting in the Metaverse

The Metaverse will inevitably be the social hub of the future

  • Friends will turn group chats into group meetups
  • Families thousands of miles apart will convene in virtual homes identical to theirs in real life
  • Despite a similar stigma associated with online dating, we believe in the power for virtual connections to translate to real friendships and relationships

The Future of Every Industry

The Metaverse will be just as transformative to businesses as the internet has been in the last 20 years

  • Companies will have entire teams dedicated to thinking about ways to advertise, sell, or build a product within the Metaverse
  • Entrepreneurs will have a new platform to build products and services that will change the world
  • 50% of today’s children will have jobs that don’t exist yet
  • It could be one of the most powerful marketing tools for real-world experiences
