The New One Minute Manager – Kenneth H. Blanchard

The New One Minute Manager –  Kenneth H. Blanchard
The New One Minute Manager – Kenneth H. Blanchard

It takes substantial time to manage people, but it only takes a minute to refocus them on goals and provide actionable feedback on how they’re doing. These concepts represent only 20 percent of management activities, but they help us achieve 80 percent of results. Goals provide direction and focus. focus. Praise and redirects are all about providing people with actionable feedback to help them accomplish goals sooner. By combining all three, you create clarity on what’s important, build confidence, and improve behavior on your way to achieving results.

The one-minute manager’s three secrets

There are three secrets to one-minute management:

1. One-minute goals: Goals create clarity about what is most important.

2. One-minute praising: Praisings build confidence.

3. One-minute redirects Redirects address mistakes.

3. One-minute redirects

One-minute redirects are about helping people manage themselves so they can succeed when you are not around. Making a mistake is not a problem, but failing to learn from one is. Redirects help people learn by showing them what they need to do differently.


When someone makes a mistake and the goal is clear, provide a redirect as soon as possible. First, confirm the facts and review the mistake together. Be specific. Explain how you feel about the mistake and how it impacts results. Then, pause and be quiet for a moment to allow the person to reflect. Finally, let the person know that they’re better than their mistake and that you think they are a good person. Remind them that you have trust and confidence in them and want to support their success. Then, move on together.

One minute GOALS

1. Develop clear goals together with your team members.

What needs to be done?

By what due date?

Show what a good performance is

2. Write them down on a single page.

3. Review them daily

Does my behavior match the goals?


Goals and deadline should be written concisely (

Set goals only for those 20% activities that produce 80% of the results

One minute PRAISINGS

“Help people reach their full potential.” Catch them doing something right”

1. First half minute

Praise people asap

Be specific

Tell them how good you feel.

2. Pause

Let us sink for a few seconds to allow feeling good

3. Second half minute

Encourage them to do more of the same

Make clear you have confidence in them and you support their success


The goal of praising is to build confidence in people

1. One-minute goals

In most organizations, when you ask someone what they do and then ask their manager the same question, you often get two different answers. This means some people don’t know what their job is. In these situations, it’s difficult to drive accountability. It’s impossible to be a good manager without being on the same page as your team members about what high performance looks like.

With one-minute goals, managers make it clear what their peoples’ individual responsibilities are and what they are being held accountable for.

One-minute managers don’t set goals for their people. They help their people to develop their own goals

The Method and the Reason

When you give a one-minute speech of praise, you spend the first 30 seconds letting the person know the specific thing they did right, along with how good you feel about it and why. You then pause for a moment to allow the person to feel good about what they’ve done. Then, you spend the next 25 seconds encouraging them to do more of the same and reminding them that you have confidence in them to succeed.

Negative Feedback

One-minute managers do not shy away from negative feedback. When a team member makes a significant mistake, they provide a one-minute redirect as soon as possible. When you address things early and often, it allows you to deal with one poor behavior at a time. This makes the person more likely to internalize and act on the feedback. Redirects allow you to deliver feedback in small doses instead of waiting until your frustration builds from multiple, repetitive mistakes.

The Pareto Principle

Applying the Pareto principle, or 80/20 rule, 80 percent of your results will come from 20 percent of your effort. So, you want to set goals related to the key areas of your responsibilities that represent 20 percent. This usually results in three to five goals. If an unexpected project or priority arises, you’ll set a new one-minute goal to account for it.

One-minute managers regularly encourage their people to review what they’re doing to see if it matches their goals.

2. One-minute praisings

One-minute managers try to catch their team members doing something right. And when they do, they provide a one-minute ovation as soon as possible.

The most important thing to do to help an employee succeed is to catch them doing something approximately right in the beginning, so they’re motivated to eventually learn to do it entirely right. Don’t wait until people do something exactly right to provide praise.
