Embarking on a journey to uncover the fundamental necessities of men, we delve into the essence of what truly matters. Stripping away the superfluous, we are left with two core elements that define the male existence.

How to remain motivated when you have no motivation

Discipline and patience are the only things that will keep you motivated

  • Start small
  • Instead of waiting for motivation you should start small and work your way up
  • For example, if you have a lot of work to do and don’t feel motivated to do it, try and start with 5 pages

Don’t do anything destructive

Force yourself to do the hard things

  • Discipline is doing the hard thing even if you don’t feel like doing it
  • Do some good things even on your worst days
  • For example, if you want to be a fitness model, go out for a walk and eat clean, it’s still progress

Calendar Effect

Many people want to lose weight but many of them quit dieting quite early because they didn’t see the results

  • Don’t be a victim of the calendar effect – do the task on the right day, not the next day
  • Have some amount of discipline and do it now

Discipline is not motivation

It’s patience and consistency that gives results.

  • If you watch a youtube video about exercising and become motivated, you may be motivated for a few days and then give up because you don’t see results, but it’s the patience that has kept you optimistic during your fitness journey.


Have discipline, not motivation

  • Discipline will allow you to show up to work everyday
  • Patience is necessary to keep on doing the work even when you don’t see the results
  • If a guy can start working hard in his 20s and achieve success in his 30s, why shouldn’t a woman?

Make a task list

Place the most important tasks of the day at the top and try to complete those tasks everyday

  • Save a lot of mental energy
  • Build discipline
  • The feeling of having an empty task list at the end of a day will force you to do the tasks even if you don’t feel like doing them
  • Write down tasks related to your success
  • Discipline is like going to autopilot mode and doing what you are supposed to do

Learning a language requires time

If you don’t have patience then you won’t be able to stick to the end and see the end result
